CBD Vape Side Effects: What Should You Know?

Vaping CBD (short for cannabidiol, a phytocannabinoid from the hemp plant) has become a popular choice for many due to its quick absorption rate and potential health benefits. However - like with all other active ingredients - there might be some side effects associated with CBD vaping, especially when you are overdoing it.

It's important to understand and be aware of the potential side effects of CBD vape to make an informed decision about whether it's the right choice for you. Some users have reported experiencing minor side effects related to the use of CBD vape products. These are for example including dry mouth, dizziness and fatigue. However it's worth noting that each person's experience may differ and some of these effects might not stem from the CBD but from other ingredients in the vape or the process of vaping itself. Many people also consume CBD vape products often without any noticeable side effects. 

Key Takeaways

  • CBD vaping has grown in popularity and CBD consumption might have health benefits.
  • Some minor side effects may occur with the use of vape products, such as dry mouth, dizziness, and fatigue.

Side Effects of CBD Vape

When vaping cannabidiol the most often reported side effects include drowsiness, dry mouth, dizziness and fatigue. It's worth to mention that these side effects are generally mild and also temporary. They might also vary depending on factors like the CBD concentration and individual sensitivity. Additionally, especially the dry mouth sensation might not be caused by the CBD directly but by the PG/VG mix the liquid contains. Due to the fast onset times with vaping CBD some users may experience side effects that are more pronounced when vaping compared to using CBD in other forms (such as oils or edibles).

At Harmony we take great care to make sure our products are high quality and free from harmful contaminants. This means you can expect fewer side effects especially compared to lower quality products. We would however still recommend to start with a low dose and gradually increase it to prevent potential adverse effects.

THC (the psychoactive component of cannabis) could cause some negative effects or experiences if present in CBD vape products. In the UK and EU, the legal limit for THC in CBD products is 0.2-0.3% (depending on where you are exactly). This minimises the risk of potential issues as the percentage is too low to cause intoxication. Harmony consistently follows the guidelines to avoid any unexpected surprises. We test all our ingredients and products and publish the certificates of analysis on a dedicated website for you to check them yourself.

Again: It's essential to consider that the effects (good and bad) of vaping CBD can differ from person to person! A lot of them are not universally experienced. As a general rule following proper dosage guidelines, opting for a high-quality brand and being mindful can help minimise potential side effects. If you are taking prescription medication or have an underlying health condition, please speak to a medical professional before taking CBD.


woman in yellow field cbd vape


Benefits of CBD Vaping

Especially in comparison to other methods - such as edibles like CBD gummies or tinctures and CBD oil - vaping CBD can act quickly. Allowing your body to absorb the CBD faster and more efficiently [1].

One of the key benefits of using CBD vape liquid is this rapid onset of effects. When you vape cannabidiol it enters your bloodstream through your lungs - bypassing the digestive system. This can result in nearly immediate effects that are usually felt within a few minutes. This is particularly useful if you want quick relief.

Another advantage of CBD vaping in general is its versatility. There are so many flavours and strengths available in the market that everyone can find what they are looking for. And the best is that you can use CBD vape juice in combination with nicotine-free vaping devices to wean yourself off this addictive compound. Studies have shown that CBD has potential for treating substance addiction [2] and that people are more likely to reduce cigarette smoking when provided with a CBD alternative [3].

Research has shown that CBD may also have several other potential benefits. Is seems to be providing support for mental well-being by combatting anxiety and stress [4], as well as leading to better sleep [5] and even sports recovery [6]. Although more research is needed - especially regarding long-term effects and the pulmonary effects of acute inhalation - these initial findings suggest that CBD vaping could offer a great way to promote overall health and wellness.

When considering the benefits of vaping cannabinoids it's essential to choose high-quality products and be aware of the regulations in your region. This way you can ensure a pleasant and potentially rewarding CBD vaping experience. 

Comparing CBD Vaping and Nicotine Vaping

When it comes to vaping you may be curious about the differences between CBD and nicotine. In this section we'll explore the differences between the two.

CBD Vaping

CBD (or cannabidiol) is a compound found in the cannabis plant. It doesn't produce the psychoactive effects associated with marijuana - meaning it won't get you intoxicated or "high". It is also non-addictive [7]. CBD is typically extracted from hemp plants which are naturally very low in THC. More studies are needed to fully understand the long-term safety of CBD vaping.

Nicotine Vaping

Nicotine vaping on the other hand involves the inhalation of aerosols containing nicotine. This is extracted from the tobacco plant or even made synthetically in a lab (like nicotine salts). Nicotine is a stimulant that can increase heart rate, blood pressure and alertness. It is also highly addictive. 

So - to sum it up - CBD and nicotine vaping are different experiences with distinct effects on your body! 



Types of CBD Vaping Products

In the EU and UK there is a wide range of CBD vaping products that you can choose from. All of them offer a convenient and efficient method of consuming CBD. The most common types of CBD vaping products include CBD vape oil (aka CBD e-liquids), disposable CBD vape pens and various other vape devices and hardware.

CBD vape oils (also referred to as CBD e liquids or vape juices) are specially formulated for vaping and infused with CBD. They can be used in a refillable vape pen or other shaped vaping devices. Harmony offers a variety of flavours and strengths allowing you to customise your vaping experience. One thing to keep in mind is that CBD vape oils are very different from normal CBD oils or tinctures. The latter are not made for inhalation and could damage your lungs due to their high content of vegetable oil or alcohol. 

Vape pens are (as the name suggests) pen shaped vaping devices. They are portable, user-friendly and designed for vaping e-liquids. CBD vape pens are available in different styles and colours. The tank or cartridge can be attached or detachable, as well as disposable or refillable. You can just pick the version you like most.

There are numerous other vape devices available - each catering to different needs and preferences. Some vape products include standard vape pens, pod systems - and even more advanced box mod devices. When choosing a vaping device consider factors like the battery life, its power settings and of course ease of use (especially if you are a beginner). This will ensure a seamless vaping experience with your selected CBD product but without frustration.


blond woman smoking cbd vape in green field


Safety Concerns and Recommendations

When considering using CBD vapes you should be aware of potential safety concerns and recommendations. This is especially regarding the health effects of vaping. The food and drug administrations in the EU and UK regulate vaping products and have created guidelines and registration systems in order to reinforce consumer safety and responsible usage.

One potential concern with vapes is the lack of long-term studies on the effects of vaping in comparison to traditional nicotine products. Nevertheless vaping devices are deemed generally safer than smoking cigarettes [8]. They are also a great ally if you want to stop smoking. 

It's important to choose a CBD brand you can trust. Pick one that ensures the products have gone through rigorous testing and adheres to industry standards. Additionally - pay attention to the dose of CBD in your vape oil! Since there is no one-size-fits-all dosage for CBD you should start with a low dose and gradually increase it until you achieve the desired effects.

Make sure to not overdo it. Excessive vaping may result in side effects such as drowsiness or dry mouth. If you experience any adverse reactions consider taking a break.

In conclusion: always prioritise your safety. Remember to select a reputable brand (like Harmony) for your products - monitor your dosage and be mindful of possible side effects! By following these guidelines you can safely enjoy the potential benefits of CBD vaping.


CBD Vape


Portrait of Anna Falk

written by

anna falk - head of product

As the Head of Product at Harmony, Dr Anna Falk leads the development of our products and provides expert tips for your wellness. With over 10 years of experience in the research and development of natural products, her work is based on rigorous scientific studies.

Anna is an award-winning, internationally published researcher with a PhD in Organic Chemistry. She applies her expertise to develop Harmony's certified products that support your overall well-being. From research to development, she ensures that our products are of the highest quality and meet the highest standards.

We ensure our content is current and accurate with strict guidelines about sourcing that rely on governmental authority, academic institutions and peer-reviewed studies..

  • [1] Millar SA, Maguire RF, Yates AS, O'Sullivan SE. Towards Better Delivery of Cannabidiol (CBD). Pharmaceuticals (Basel). 2020 Aug 28;13(9):219.link to source
  • [2] Prud'homme M, Cata R, Jutras-Aswad D. Cannabidiol as an Intervention for Addictive Behaviors: A Systematic Review of the Evidence. Subst Abuse. 2015 May 21;9:33-8.link to source
  • [3] Morgan CJ, Das RK, Joye A, Curran HV, Kamboj SK. Cannabidiol reduces cigarette consumption in tobacco smokers: preliminary findings. Addict Behav. 2013 Sep;38(9):2433-6.link to source
  • [4] Blessing EM, Steenkamp MM, Manzanares J, Marmar CR. Cannabidiol as a Potential Treatment for Anxiety Disorders. Neurotherapeutics. 2015 Oct;12(4):825-36.link to source
  • [5] Saleska JL, Bryant C, Kolobaric A, D'Adamo CR, Colwell CS, Loewy D, Chen J, Pauli EK. The Safety and Comparative Effectiveness of Non-Psychoactive Cannabinoid Formulations for the Improvement of Sleep: A Double-Blinded, Randomized Controlled Trial. J Am Nutr Assoc. 2023 May 10:1-11.link to source
  • [6] McCartney D, Benson MJ, Desbrow B, Irwin C, Suraev A, McGregor IS. Cannabidiol and Sports Performance: a Narrative Review of Relevant Evidence and Recommendations for Future Research. Sports Med Open. 2020 Jul 6;6(1):27. link to source
  • [7] Official WHO publicationlink to source
  • [8] Nicotine vaping in England: 2022 evidence update.link to source