CBD Disposable Vape: Your Ultimate Guide

CBD Disposable Vape Pen: The Basics

Disposable vapes have gained popularity in recent years due to their convenience along with ease of use and their variety of flavours and potencies. These vape pens are widely available in stores and online. They come preloaded with a specific amount of CBD e-liquid - offering users a consistent and discreet method of consuming CBD. As the name suggests disposable vapes are designed to be thrown away after the e-liquid is empty or the battery dies. This makes them a low maintenance option for those people new to vaping or looking for a hassle- free experience. When using a CBD disposable vape simply take a slow & steady draw from the mouthpiece - hold it in your lungs for a few seconds - and then exhale. Be sure to pace yourself while vaping to not overheat and burn the coil. And - most importantly - enjoy the experience!

Disposable CBD Vape: What is it?

A disposable is a convenient and easy to carry around device designed for vaping CBD. These devices are perfect for those new to vaping or looking for a simple no -fuss solution. There are two types of CBD disposable vapes:

  1. Fully disposable pens: These are one single piece including the battery. They are thrown away completely once empty. However: this type isn't environmentally friendly due to the waste produced!

  2. Two-piece pens: These have a disposable cartridge and a rechargeable battery: making them a more sustainable alternative.

At Harmony we only offer the second type. Our Harmony FLOW is the most advanced system on the market providing both convenience and eco- friendliness.

Disposable CBD Vape Pen Components

A disposable CBD vape pen consists of two key components that are often also available together as vape kits:

  • Battery: The power source that provides energy for heating the liquid. In the two piece pens - like the Harmony FLOW - the battery is rechargeable. This makes it a more sustainable choice.

  • Cartridge: This is where the CBD liquid is stored and contains a coil that heats the liquid when activated. These cartridges are disposable (not refillable) and should be replaced once they're empty.

When choosing a disposable CBD vape pen it is essential to consider both convenience and environmental impact. The Harmony FLOW offers the best of both worlds: with a rechargeable battery and disposible cartridges. Making it an excellent choice for those interested in vaping CBD!


cbd vape cbd flower


Best CBD Disposable Vape Pen

When selecting the best CBD vape pens it is crucial to consider the type of CBD that the cartridge contains. Concentrations typically range from 100mg up to 2000mg - but this can be CBD isolate, distillate or full spectrum CBD. In addition different filler materials like PG, VG or MCT oil are often used. The Harmony FLOW contains 500mg of only the strongest 100% full spectrum hemp extract. With 75% CBD and other cannabinoids but without any fillers. Further it contains terpenes which play a crucial role in enhancing the properties of CBD. According to a study leading to what is known as the "entourage effect [1]" - a synergistic interaction that enhances their individual beneficial properties [2].

Intended Use and Benefits

Using a quality disposable pen lets you discover the numerous benefits of CBD while providing a convenient way to take CBD on the go. According to research CBD offers various overall effects: such as reduced anxiety, improved sleep quality and alleviation of substance addiction [3]. Now let's explore these benefits more closely:

  • Anxiety alleviation: One study highlighted the potential of a CBD dose in reducing anxiety levels in individuals [4].

  • Improved sleep quality: A CBD dosage of 25 mg has also been associated with improved sleep quality; making it an appealing natural option for those struggling with insomnia or other sleep disorders [5].

  • Substance addiction: With its potential ability to modulate the reward pathway CBD has shown promise in helping reduce the symptoms of addiction [6].

The last point explains why vaping is considered an effective tool to help people quit smoking. Combined with the effects of CBD - which by the way does not produce a "high" [7]- a CBD vape pen offers a safer alternative to traditional tobacco cigarettes. Many CBD users report great results using CBD vaping as a way to kick their smoking habit.

In conclusion: while searching for CBD vapes consider the available concentrations and also intended uses and benefits along with the presence of terpenes for the entourage effect.


CBD vape


Popular CBD Disposable Vape Brands

Several popular brands offer 500mg and 1000mg options to cater to different users preferences. However it is essential to be cautious while choosing a brand! Many act unethically and trick minors into using nicotine-loaded devices - turning them into lifelong addicts [8].

In contrast Harmony is a responsible brand and we never use nicotine or other addictive substances in our products. We only use the finest premium CBD and hemp extracts from hemp grown in Europe without the use of pesticides or other dangerous substances.

Premium Vape Pen Disposable CBD

If you're looking for the best premium vape pen on the market: the Harmony FLOW vape pen is your ideal choice! Manufactured responsibly under strict GMP conditions in a certified clean room environment in Germany Harmony ensures a top-quality product.

Our products are regularly tested by independent certified labs. We make the certificates of analysis made available on our website for total transparency. The Harmony FLOW vape range guarantees a satisfying experience for users seeking a reliable and high-quality CBD vape option.

Selecting Proper CBD Strength

When choosing disposable CBD vapes (for example for anxiety or sleep) it is crucial to select the right CBD strength for your needs. If you are new to CBD in general or it's your first time to vape CBD: we at Harmony recommend starting with low concentrations or fewer puffs. Take note of how it makes you feel - for example by keeping a journal - and adjust as necessary. Keep in mind that everyone's experience with CBD is different so finding the right strength may require some trial and error.

CBD Vape Pen Disposable: Guidelines for Use

When using a disposable CBD vape pen follow these basic guidelines for a positive and safe experience:

  1. Read the manufacturer's instructions! Always read and follow the directions provided by the manufacturer to ensure proper usage.

  2. Check for third-party testing! Choose a product that has undergone third-party testing to ensure its safety and effectiveness.

  3. Avoid nicotine! Nicotine is toxic and highly addictive - so avoid disposable vape pens that contain nicotine. It's worth noting that it's not the device causing the addiction but the nicotine within it [9].

We at Harmony recommend vaping only to people who are already vaping or smoking. If you are not a vaper or smoker consider other delivery forms such as CBD oils or topicals instead to satisfy your CBD needs.

In conclusion: always prioritise safety and follow recommendations when using CBD.  Make sure to start with a low concentration or few puffs if you are new to CBD or vaping. Remember to listen to your body and adjust as necessary to achieve the desired effects.


cbd vape cannabis flower


CBD Vape Disposable: Variety of Choices

When it comes to CBD vape disposables you have a range of options to choose from. CBD oil vape pen disposables offer a convenient way to consume CBD especially for those who prefer vaping over other delivery methods. However: do not fill CBD oil in vaping devices or cartridges and beware of companies that advertise to do so! it is crucial to mention that Harmony does not recommend vaping CBD oil as it is made using vegetable oils that might cause harm to the lungs when inhaled. Instead we advise you to vape products specifically designed for use in vaporisers. Examples are our premium e-liquids and vape juice (for use in a refillable vape pen) or the Harmony FLOW.

CBD and THC Disposable Vape Pens

In addition to the variety of CBD-only disposable vape pens there are also products in the market containing THC - often referred to as "full-spectrum". Under EU legislation CBD products containing up to 0.3% THC are legal. This can have several beneficial aspects. Full-spectrum CBD vape pens (like the Harmony FLOW) deliver a more extensive range of cannabinoids and terpenes - enhancing the overall effects! Remember to always choose products that have been designed specifically for vaping and ensure that you comply with your local laws and regulations regarding CBD and THC content by checking the certificates of analysis before you buy CBD.


Vape CBD


Portrait of Anna Falk

written by

anna falk - head of product

As the Head of Product at Harmony, Dr Anna Falk leads the development of our products and provides expert tips for your wellness. With over 10 years of experience in the research and development of natural products, her work is based on rigorous scientific studies.

Anna is an award-winning, internationally published researcher with a PhD in Organic Chemistry. She applies her expertise to develop Harmony's certified products that support your overall well-being. From research to development, she ensures that our products are of the highest quality and meet the highest standards.

We ensure our content is current and accurate with strict guidelines about sourcing that rely on governmental authority, academic institutions and peer-reviewed studies..

  • [1] Ferber SG, Namdar D, Hen-Shoval D, Eger G, Koltai H, Shoval G, Shbiro L, Weller A. The "Entourage Effect": Terpenes Coupled with Cannabinoids for the Treatment of Mood Disorders and Anxiety Disorders. Curr Neuropharmacol. 2020;18(2):87-96.link to source
  • [2] Nuutinen T. Medicinal properties of terpenes found in Cannabis sativa and Humulus lupulus. Eur J Med Chem. 2018 Sep 5;157:198-228. link to source
  • [3] Larsen C, Shahinas J. Dosage, Efficacy and Safety of Cannabidiol Administration in Adults: A Systematic Review of Human Trials. J Clin Med Res. 2020 Mar;12(3):129-141.link to source
  • [4] Blessing EM, Steenkamp MM, Manzanares J, Marmar CR. Cannabidiol as a Potential Treatment for Anxiety Disorders. Neurotherapeutics. 2015 Oct;12(4):825-36.link to source
  • [5] Shannon S, Lewis N, Lee H, Hughes S. Cannabidiol in Anxiety and Sleep: A Large Case Series. Perm J. 2019;23:18-041.link to source
  • [6] Prud'homme M, Cata R, Jutras-Aswad D. Cannabidiol as an Intervention for Addictive Behaviors: A Systematic Review of the Evidence. Subst Abuse. 2015 May 21;9:33-8.link to source
  • [7] Iseger TA, Bossong MG. A systematic review of the antipsychotic properties of cannabidiol in humans. Schizophr Res. 2015 Mar;162(1-3):153-61.link to source
  • [8] Morales M, Fahrion A, Watkins SL. #NicotineAddictionCheck: Puff Bar Culture, Addiction Apathy, and Promotion of E-Cigarettes on TikTok. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 Feb 5;19(3):1820.link to source
  • [9] Lin C, Gaiha SM, Halpern-Felsher B. Nicotine Dependence from Different E-Cigarette Devices and Combustible Cigarettes among US Adolescent and Young Adult Users. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 May 11;19(10):5846.link to source