CBD and Nicotine Vape: Are They a Safe Combo?

The use of vape products instead of conventional smoking products has become increasingly popular with many individuals now opting for CBD and nicotine vape alternatives. Both CBD and nicotine can be found in vape products but they have very distinct differences in properties, effects and potential health implications. This is also why they are seldomly found together in a single product and it is generally not advised to mix them.

CBD (short for cannabidiol) is a compound found in the cannabis plant - known for its potential therapeutic benefits without the psychoactive effects of THC. On the other hand nicotine is an addictive substance found in tobacco. It is often associated with harmful health effects. Vaping CBD has gained traction for its possible beneficial effects - whereas nicotine vaping is typically used as a smoking cessation tool or alternative to traditional cigarettes.

When comparing CBD and nicotine vapes it is crucial to understand the unique characteristics and implications of each. Harmony is offering a range of nicotine-free CBD vape products with varying strengths and flavours. 

Key Takeaways

  • Vaping CBD and nicotine has very distinct outcomes
  • CBD is known for potential benefits - while nicotine vaping is addictive
  • They are rarely found together and should not be mixed

Nicotine and CBD Vape: The Main Differences

Nicotine vape products are derived from tobacco or purely lab-made and designed to satisfy your cravings for traditional cigarettes. They contain varying levels of nicotine (or nicotine salts) to cater to your preferences - but they are equally addictive.

On the other hand CBD vape products are made from hemp plants and contain little to no traces of THC (the intoxicating compound found in cannabis). CBD is praised for its potential therapeutic effects without inducing the "high" associated with THC. 

One of the main characteristics of CBD products is the absence of addictive properties. Unlike nicotine - which can be habit forming - CBD does not create dependence in consumers. This aspect makes CBD vaping a popular choice for those seeking a relaxing experience and a replacement for traditional cigarettes without creating a new addiction.

Another aspect to consider is the legality of the products. Both nicotine and CBD vapes are legal in the UK and EU - provided they adhere to specific regulations. Both must comply with the TPD (Tobacco Products Directive). CBD products have to meet the requirements set by the UK’s FSA (Food Standards Agency) in addition. Always ensure you're purchasing from reputable and compliant brands.


colorfull cbd e liquids for cbd vape


CBD Vape Juice with Nicotine vs no Nicotine

CBD vape juices with nicotine might seem like an attractive option for those who seek the potential benefits of both CBD and nicotine together. However because of the rules laid out in the Tobacco Products Directive (the regulatory framework for vaping products) the two cannot be sold mixed together. 

CBD vape juice without nicotine is a great option for those who want to experience the potential relaxing properties of CBD without the addictive effects of nicotine. When you choose a CBD vape juice with no nicotine you can enjoy a pure CBD vaping experience - free from any additional stimulation or addictive substances.

Choosing if you want to consume CBD vape juice with nicotine or CBD vape juice without nicotine depends on your personal preferences and desires. It is however generally discouraged to vape these two ingredients together. 

Ingredients in CBD Vapes

When exploring CBD vapes you'll come across various products - such as CBD oil, vape pens and CBD e-liquids. These products are designed for those who prefer vaping over other methods of ingestion to experience the potential benefits of CBD. 

In CBD vape juice you'll typically find a mix of a CBD extract plus a base liquid (like propylene glycol and/or vegetable glycerine), flavourings - and possibly other ingredients. Most CBD e-liquids do not contain nicotine. 

Vape pens come in different forms, but the primary components are a battery and a chamber (tank, pod or cartridge) for the CBD e-liquid or oil. When selecting a vape pen make sure you choose a device compatible with the type of CBD product you plan to use.

One ingredient you might encounter in CBD vape products is CBD isolate. This is the purest form of CBD - extracted from hemp plants and processed to remove all other cannabinoids and plant materials. CBD isolate is a popular choice for vapers as it usually results in a more predictable and consistent experience. Plus these vape juices are compatible with nearly all standard vaping devices on the market.

When using CBD e-liquids it's essential to know the proper way to mix CBD and adjust your device for optimal results. Avoid mixing CBD oil with e-liquids containing nicotine as it might reduce the effectiveness of the CBD or cause undesirable interactions. Also always follow the manufacturer's guidelines regarding mixing, storage and handling of your CBD products.


CBD Vape


Benefits and Side Effects of CBD Vaping

One of the key things about vaping is that it is acting really fast. Unlike other methods of consumption (like for example edibles, oils or topicals) CBD vaping allows the CBD to enter your bloodstream quickly. This means you'll feel the effects a lot sooner - which is particularly helpful for those looking for quick relief [1].

CBD was shown to have a beneficial effect on many different symptoms. Most research is focused around anxiety and stress [2], but there are also studies exploring its influence on sleep problems [3]. There is even scientific data available regarding pain relief [4] and improved physical recovery after exercise [5].  

CBD vaping may also be able to combat some of the side effects of smoking or consuming THC-based products as it was shown to be anti-psychotic [6]. Furthermore it is being looked into as a potential tool to treat substance addiction [7]. This means it could provide a more natural alternative for those looking to curb their tobacco or marijuana consumption. 

While CBD is generally well-tolerated - there can be some mild side effects associated with its use. This is especially true when you vape too much and isn't necessarily only related to the CBD but also the process of vaping itself and other ingredients contained commonly in e-liquids. Effects can include a dry mouth, dizziness and changes in taste. Although these are typically mild it's important to monitor exactly how your body reacts to CBD vaping - and adjust your intake accordingly!

Keep in mind that the effects of CBD can vary from person to person - so it's essential to find the right balance for yourself. Start with a low dose of CBD and gradually increase it until you find your perfect level. Remember that more isn't always better and your ideal dose might be lower than those of other people. Also be aware that CBD products should never be used as a substitute for proper medical care. It's always recommended to consult a healthcare professional if you're considering using CBD and have underlying health conditions.


man with glasses smoking cbd vape


Selecting the Best CBD Vape

When you're looking for the perfect CBD vape there are a few key factors to consider - like the type of the device itself, the quality of the CBD vape liquid and the type of vape kit (if you choose to start with one). 

One option for beginners in the world of CBD vapes is to start with a fully disposable vape pen. These are pre-filled devices (often containing a specific amount of CBD vape liquid) - and they're great for people who want to try vaping CBD without committing to the maintenance required with a reusable device. They do however generate a lot of waste due to the fact that the battery is not rechargeable and gets thrown out after use. This makes them the least environmentally friendly option and Harmony is not offering them for that reason.

Another important aspect is the quality of the CBD vape liquid. Some vape liquids and devices use PG/VG based CBD oil while others use a more concentrated form of CBD extract. Both are perfectly fine options as long as they are manufactured responsibly. Always look for products with third-party lab testing to ensure purity and potency.

Selecting the right vape kit is crucial for getting the most out of your CBD vaping experience. There are many vape kits available - from simple and sleek pen style devices to more advanced box mods with many settings and buttons. When choosing a vape kit consider factors like battery life, ease of use (particularly important in the beginning) and portability. The best vape kits should also be compatible with the type of CBD vape liquid you plan to use.

Finally: when you're ready to buy CBD vape products look for reputable retailers (online or offline) in the EU and UK that offer a range of options. A good retailer should provide transparent information about their products - including their ingredients, manufacturing processes and lab test results.


CBD Vape


Portrait of Anna Falk

written by

anna falk - head of product

As the Head of Product at Harmony, Dr Anna Falk leads the development of our products and provides expert tips for your wellness. With over 10 years of experience in the research and development of natural products, her work is based on rigorous scientific studies.

Anna is an award-winning, internationally published researcher with a PhD in Organic Chemistry. She applies her expertise to develop Harmony's certified products that support your overall well-being. From research to development, she ensures that our products are of the highest quality and meet the highest standards.

We ensure our content is current and accurate with strict guidelines about sourcing that rely on governmental authority, academic institutions and peer-reviewed studies..

  • [1] Millar SA, Maguire RF, Yates AS, O'Sullivan SE. Towards Better Delivery of Cannabidiol (CBD). Pharmaceuticals (Basel). 2020 Aug 28;13(9):219.link to source
  • [2] Blessing EM, Steenkamp MM, Manzanares J, Marmar CR. Cannabidiol as a Potential Treatment for Anxiety Disorders. Neurotherapeutics. 2015 Oct;12(4):825-36.link to source
  • [3] Saleska JL, Bryant C, Kolobaric A, D'Adamo CR, Colwell CS, Loewy D, Chen J, Pauli EK. The Safety and Comparative Effectiveness of Non-Psychoactive Cannabinoid Formulations for the Improvement of Sleep: A Double-Blinded, Randomized Controlled Trial. J Am Nutr Assoc. 2023 May 10:1-11.link to source
  • [4] Capano A, Weaver R, Burkman E. Evaluation of the effects of CBD hemp extract on opioid use and quality of life indicators in chronic pain patients: a prospective cohort study. Postgrad Med. 2020 Jan;132(1):56-61.link to source
  • [5] Isenmann E, Veit S, Starke L, Flenker U, Diel P. Effects of Cannabidiol Supplementation on Skeletal Muscle Regeneration after Intensive Resistance Training. Nutrients. 2021 Aug 30;13(9):3028.link to source
  • [6] Iseger TA, Bossong MG. A systematic review of the antipsychotic properties of cannabidiol in humans. Schizophr Res. 2015 Mar;162(1-3):153-61.link to source
  • [7] Prud'homme M, Cata R, Jutras-Aswad D. Cannabidiol as an Intervention for Addictive Behaviors: A Systematic Review of the Evidence. Subst Abuse. 2015 May 21;9:33-8.link to source